Books, Graphic Novel

Granny Smith Was Not an Apple by Sarah Glenn Forston and illustrated by Kris Aro McLeod

Maria Ann Smith was an orchardist from England who moved to Australia in the early 1800s. After leaving the remains of her own apples and some crap apples she'd used in a pie on the edge of her orchard (like a compost pile I guess), she later found a tree had sprouted. The tree grew… Continue reading Granny Smith Was Not an Apple by Sarah Glenn Forston and illustrated by Kris Aro McLeod

Book Review, Books, Graphic Novel

Sunny Makes Her Case by Jennifer L. Holm and Matthew Holm

Sunny is back for another school year. While not into sports, she struggles to find something to do after school. When a friend wishes that they had a debate club and that the school didn't glorify sports so much, Sunny suggest they make the team happen. While they have a rocky start trying to find… Continue reading Sunny Makes Her Case by Jennifer L. Holm and Matthew Holm

Book Review, Books, Graphic Novel

Sisters and Guts by Raina Telgemeier

In Sisters, Raina tells the story of a road trip she took with her mother, young sister, and younger brother one summer for a family reunion. Over course, the girls don't get along. Through flashbacks we see that Raina wanted a sister, until she arrived and began to annoy her as they grew up. Granted,… Continue reading Sisters and Guts by Raina Telgemeier

Book Review, Books, Graphic Novel

Smile by Raina Telgemeier

In this autobiographical graphic novel, tween favorite Telgemeier tells that tale of when she got braces. Shortly before she's scheduled to get them, she trips and falls, and knocks out her two front teeth. They have to be put back in, but are then put back in too deep, and have to be incorporated into… Continue reading Smile by Raina Telgemeier

Book Review, Books, Graphic Novel

A-Okay by Jarad Greene

Jay has just started eighth grade and is covered in acne and hates how it makes him look. He begins seeing a dermatologist to treat it and begins a long regimen to try to get the pesky acne under control. He's also having trouble fitting in, his friends aren't in the same classes and they've… Continue reading A-Okay by Jarad Greene

Book Review, Books, Graphic Novel

Maus by Art Spiegleman

Maus tells the story of Art's parents life before, during, and after WWII. A Jewish couple from Poland, they hid during the war until smugglers turned them and several others into the Gestapo and they were sent to Auschwitz. Miraculously, they survived and reunited after the War. However, their experiences profoundly effected them. Art's mother… Continue reading Maus by Art Spiegleman

Book Review, Books, Disability and Chronic Illness Representation in Fiction, Graphic Novel

Button Pusher by Tyler Page

Tyler has trouble sitting still in class. He constantly gets up and moves around, and he has trouble paying attention even when he is sitting still. When he's diagnosed with ADHD and starts taking Ritalin, things start to get better at school. But things at home aren't always going well. Tyler's dad is easily angered… Continue reading Button Pusher by Tyler Page

Book Review, Books, Graphic Novel

The Flamingo by Guojing

This almost wordless graphic novel details a young girl going to visit her grandmother. Her grandomther tells her a story of another young girl (presumably the grandmother as a child) finding and hatching a flamingo. When she goes home, the girl creates a book of the story to give to her grandmother. A giant flamingo… Continue reading The Flamingo by Guojing

Book Review, Books, Graphic Novel

Down to the Bone: A Leukemia Story by Catherine Pioli

Catherine was diagnosed with Leukemia in her early thirties. This graphic memoir details her illness from the beginning when she first thought it was just sciatica, to diagnosis, treatment, and up to her death. She details her treatments informative, easy to understand language and pictures. Catherine didn't shy away from depicting her illness and all… Continue reading Down to the Bone: A Leukemia Story by Catherine Pioli

Book Review, Books, Graphic Novel

Coven by Jennifer Dugan and illustrated by Kit Seaton

After a tragedy where members of their coven were slaughtered, Emsy's parents have suddenly uprooted her from her California home and moved her back to their hometown. Emsy wants nothing to do with the family's coven of witches, and has never trained to use her fire elemental powers. But once she's among her fellow witches,… Continue reading Coven by Jennifer Dugan and illustrated by Kit Seaton